Installing GreaseMonkey and O-Zone Script

Note: These steps assume FireFox. There is GreaseMonkey for MS Internet Explorer, but our O-Zone script does not seem to behave the same way in MS IE. click here for instructions on the MSIE version of the script.

Note: There is also a utility script that adds some utilities for posting. Click here to download it. Note that you'll want to go through all the steps below first, the link only works once you have GreaseMonkey installed and running.

Quick jump to major steps:

Step 1: Obtain GreaseMonkey

Click here to go to the FireFox GreaseMonkey add-on page. On that page, click the "Add to Firefox" button:

In the resulting dialog, click "Install Now" when the button becomes active (which will take a few seconds):

Once the install is complete, you will be given a new dialog. Click "Restart Firefox" to restart the browser and activate the GreaseMonkey plugin.

When FireFox restarts, it will return you to whatever web pages you had open at the time it was shut down. It may also pop up the list of plugins that you have installed. You can just dismiss the plugin list by clicking on the "X" in the top-right corner:

You should see a little monkey-face icon in the bottom of your browser window, which indicates that GreaseMonkey is active:

Step 2: Install Script

Click here to access the O-Zone highlight/ignore GreaseMonkey script. Your browser will identify this link as a GreaseMonkey script and give you a dialog with several options. Click "install" as shown below.

Step 3: Edit Script

Right-click on the little monkey-face icon in the bottom of your browser window, and select "Manage User Scripts..." off the resulting menu.

This will bring up a dialog for managing your GreaseMonkey scripts. In this dialog, select the "O-Zone forum ignore" script (if it's not already selected) in the left-hand pane, and then click "Edit" at the bottom:

This will bring up an editor for the script. It may ask for you to select a preferred editor, if your system does not have an editor associated with .js (JavaScript) files. In that case you can navigate to C:\Windows and pick notepad.exe. I happen to have EditPad installed, which I prefer, but the editing can be done in any program that will edit text files:

The script contains three sections that are intended for user customization. These are (in order presented in the script): list of E-mail addresses to ignore, list of handles to ignore, and list of handles to highlight.

Ignoring by E-mail address

The ignore-email section is first, and it looks like this:

function ignoreHref(href) {
	// Commented out examples:
	//if (href == '') return 1;
	//if (href == '') return 1;
	return 0;

Note that the '//' in front of each line causes GreaseMonkey to ignore everything up to the end of that line. This function does nothing other than return 0, because the two sample 'if' statments are commented out. In order to ignore a poster by E-mail, we have to get the "mailto:" URL for their handle. For example, go to the O-Zone, find a handle that is underlined (has a link), and hover the mouse over it, and you'll see the corresponding "mailto:" link shown at the bottom of the window. (Note that if the poster that you want to ignore keeps their E-mail private, you won't see an underline on their handle, and you won't get a mailto: link. In that case, you should just skip down to ignoring by handle.)

When you have the handle of a user you want to ignore, right-click on the handle and select "Copy Email Address" from the resulting menu:

In your text editor, add a line just like the second "if" statement, but remove the '//' at the front of the line, and paste the E-mail address (copied in the previous step) between "mailto:" and the single-quote that follows it:

function ignoreHref(href) {
	// Commented out examples:
	//if (href == '') return 1;
	//if (href == '') return 1;
	if (href == '') return 1;
	return 0;

Ignoring by handle

The ignore-handle section is next, and it looks like this:

function ignoreAuth(auth) {
	// Commented out examples:
	//if (auth.match(/^Shark 4/)) return 1;
	//if (auth.match(/^BCSBuck/)) return 1;
	return 0;

Note that the '//' in front of each line causes GreaseMonkey to ignore everything up to the end of that line. This function does nothing other than return 0, because the two sample 'if' statments are commented out. In order to ignore a poster by handle, their handle must be entered here. In this example, we are ignoring Buck68, so we will add a line that matches that handle. In your text editor, add a line just like the second "if" statement, but remove the '//' at the front of the line, and enter the desired ignored handle between the caret ("^") and the slash:

function ignoreAuth(auth) {
	// Commented out examples:
	//if (auth.match(/^Shark 4/)) return 1;
	//if (auth.match(/^BCSBuck/)) return 1;
	if (auth.match(/^Buck68/)) return 1;
	return 0;

Note: Be sure to save the contents of the script when you are done editing it.

Step 4: Test Script

Go to the O-Zone forum. Right-click on the little monkey-face at the bottom of your browser window, and select the "Enabled" item, which will turn it off (and disable GreaseMonkey).

When GreaseMonkey is disabled, the monkey-head will be grayed-out and frowning:

Now find a post by someone you have entered into the ignore code. In this example, I've ignored Buck68, so I'm looking for one of his posts. I find a post of his that is a reply to "Toppers- re Spellman" by Buckeye Ho Tep. It has a reply to it by Ho Tep, and also a reply "thx" by Topspin.

Right-click on the monkey-head again, and select "Enabled" (this time to turn it back on). Verify that the monkey-head is no longer grayed out. Refresh the O-Zone forum, and verify that the ignored poster's post is gone, along with all replies to it. Note that in my example, the Ho Tep post appears to have only the reply by Topspin now.

If you have any questions or are stuck, feel free to contact me.