Perhaps I shouldn't post this

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By BuckeyeJohn05 on 20:19:41 05/22/07

but I had a hard time sleeping last night due to the fact that I kept imagining what it would look like if many on this board got subpoenaed to court. I am first to admit that I am not Gerd or Unamed when it comes to stuff like this:


BAILIFF: SIR up front, I said RISE!

Eduardo: Me? Dude, that is so tired.

BAILIFF: My apologies.

JUDGE: I call Silverback to the witness stand.

Silverback, can you tell us what you know about defamation situation?

Silverback: YES...

Courtroom: Snickers


JUDGE: We will try this again. What are your thoughts about this defamation situation?

SILVERBACK: He's just the product of our failed school system, and the mental disorder know as liberalism. He also shows classic Liberal victim disorder..

JUDGE: DISMISSED! PLease no Political statements!

JUDGE: I call to the stand, RPBuckMurphy"

JUDGE: RP, What do you know about the this situation?


JUDGE: Sir, may I ask what is so funny?


Judge: Someone get this guy out of here

JUDGE: NUKEM, please come to the witness stand

JUDGE: Sir, may I suggest that your T-Shirt is not court room appropiate?

NUKEM: You're kidding right? It's my best one.


JUDGE: I call to the stand, Gerd.

JUDGE: Gerd, please, what can you tell us about the this situation?

Gerd: Well, frankly the guy was a troll and a flamer!

JUDGE: What exactly does that mean?

Gerd: Internet talk. Basically, he was a nuisance and his banning was warranted.

JUDGE: FINALLY! We have a decent testimony!

DA: Your Honor, may I please note to the court that Gerd is wearing his UM shirt and had a Decepticon tattoo. How can such a man be trusted?


JUDGE: I call to the stand Chi Town Buck

JUDGE: You have to be kidding me! I mean, is he even alive! He doesn't know what the heck is going on! Next!

(Chi falls and breaks his hip again)

JUDGE: Buck68, come on down

JUDGE: OK 68, what do you know?

Buck68: How can one Know if one doesn't know ONE?

Judge: WTF?

Buck68: It's very simple ::-)} Well, is anything very simple? all...or ....maybe if we know One, but diversity teaches that no one is One...

Judge: WTF? Next!

Judge: Eduardo! Well, I feel good about this. This young man works very close to the White House. Impressive. So what do you have to say about this situation?

Eduardo: SO frickin drunk

Judge: What?

Eduardo: Hi!

Judge: Ugh...goodbye



Judge: NEXT

Judge :BuckeyeinGeorgia

DA: Your honor, Two words "rocket-car"

Judge: Oh for Pete sake..Next!

Judge: BlueHenBuckeye, please come on down. How are you today sir?

BlueHen: Not good. Gas prices hit $3:49. The war is not going well, and the economy is due to crash at any minute. THe health care system sucks. Schools are being robbed.

Judge: Next! Man, that was depressing

JUDGE: EUROCAT, please be normal

EUROCAT: I am a moderate so that is not a problem.

Judge: Ugh OK. What do you know about the this situation?

EUROCAT: I feel his first amendment rights were violated.

JUDGE: How so?

EURO: Well, he was banned and the Republicans on the forum always gang up on him.

JUDGE: But how were his rights violated?

EURO: I told you already

JUDGE: No you didnt'

EURO: Yes, I did.

Judge: What kind of Euro-logic is that? NEXT! Damn Latvians!

Silverback: KA-BOOM

JUDGE: Blackford OAKes, please come on down.

Blackforde: Will this take long? I have a whole day of Tennis ahead of me

JUDGE: Your a tennis player?

Blackford: "You're"

Judge: Oh come on. Don't be THAT guy. How annoying

Blackford: "*"

Judge: Sir, I hope you weren't offended.

(Sips his Soy milk)
I wasn't. You should be embarrassed by your ENGLISH however.

Judge: Next!

JUDGE: BuckDuck, come on down.

DA: Your honor, before you question Mr BuckDuck, may I mention that he tackled a mentally retarded kid, considered dating his daughter's much younger soccer coach and lives in Nebraska?

Judge: Thank You! Next

Judge: Last one, Zanzibar. I see you are a technology guy, have a degree in Geology and are a Family guy. Impressive.

Zanzibar: Thank You.

Judge: Can you tell us what happened?

Zanzibar: Judge, I pulled up all of his posts for the past 5 years that he posted. Clearly he changed handles many times and was nothing other than a flamer.

Judge: Compelling evidence. Thank you.

DA: Perhaps, the court should know that Zanzibar is also a expert at Anime cartoons.

Judge: Like Bugs Bunny?

DA: No, those crazy Japanese cartoons. The man is a expert when it comes to Anime. He often poses challenges to the board to figure out who the character is. How normal is that?

Judge: Oh, I can't stand those cartoons. I will have to take this into consideration when I consider his credibility.

Edited by original poster [20:22:05 05/22/07]

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