For the last time, here is the recap (m)

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By Gerd on 22:44:49 11/05/08
[In reply to "Holy Crap! What happened? I miss eight hours and you guys go NDNation? WTH? *" by West Norwich, posted at 22:34:17 11/05/08]

Pants came running to the board saying that he had just gotten a William Katt perm and that everybody at work loved it.

Unnamed mentioned to Pants that people were probably making fun of him, to which Pants challenged Unnamed to post that to his face. Not being able to post that to his face, Unnamed backed down and apologized.

But the apology wasn't enough.

Pants wouldn't leave Unnamed alone and soon there was a war of words. Given the fact that Pants' depth of knowledge in the word department is lacking, it wasn't long before every other word started with "F".

He was saying stuff like "My [expletive] curls are [expletive] tight so you don't [expletive] know what you're [expletive] talking about.

Unnamed then had enough and was matter of fact in his manner, telling Pants that he did indeed know what he was talking about because he too had been a sporter of the William Katt perm and when he had it, he frequently took barbs from coworkers, so he was speaking from experience.

Naturally, Unnamed was embarrassed by this revelation, which angered Pants even more because he couldn't understand how somebody could be embarrassed about such a look. A look, he stated, that "announced my presence in a manner befitting my stature and prance".

Unnamed told Pants that he was being naive and he just didn't want to see Pants hurt. Pants then said if he didn't want to see him hurt, it was too late, because he was most definitely hurt.

The apologies and explanations went on for the better part of six hours, so eventually I sent an email to Mr. Ed asking him to nuke everything so that we don't all catch the gheigh.

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