No. But you are clearly a blind Trump hater. More concerned about tearing him down than building our nation. (M)

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By HINYG8 on 13:04:32 06/12/18
[In reply to "Are you a blind Trump loyalist? *" by OCBuck, posted at 11:45:57 06/12/18]

You open with the inane statement that Trump secretly envies Kim Jung Un.

Really..the POTUS envies the PM of NK? Good lord, the hyperbole, assumption, and nonsense is off the charts from go.

I think Trump has plenty of warts and don't agree with every decision, but your zeal to ignore what is happening in favor of tearing him down is only mirrored by the media giving Obama a free pass on everydamnthing.

Trump is not likable, but he is far, far more effective than any President we've had in decades. His job isn't to be liked..something Obama never seemed to get past.

The idea that being proud of our nation and putting it ahead of others should not illicit shame or guilt. The fact that it is so distasteful in many corners of this country just shows how misdirected our national psyche has become. Putting the USA to the front doesn't mean 'at the expense of others', but too many Americans seem to think doing right by the US is somehow wrong. The mentality that it is better for us to suffer so others can succeed at our expense is illogical.

You want better property tax breaks, but fear nationalism. Sounds like Bernie S, who wanted everything to be free..and no one would have pay for it. I guess we'll just shake the magic piggy bank and it will provide.

You blast the nationalism between WWI and WWII...not recognizing that era gave birth the greatest generation, fueled a spirit that freed the world from a true tyrant, and hoisted the globe on it's shoulders to the benefit of all, not just Americans. That era furthered science, cured disease, advanced all nations, provided for humanity and furthered the people, world governments, economies, defended justice, provided security and freedom for all that were with us. Reverse that era to be less concerned about our nation and what would be wrought?

I don't think Trump is perfect, but I despise the notion that doing right by America is somehow wrong. Do you think these other countries are making decisions to make our country better..or are they acting with their own interests in mind? And why is it wrong for us to do the same?

Trump wants a wall...did you know Mexico already has one on their southern border? Trump is pushing you know those countries already penalize American goods? Trump is the devil for limiting immigration, in a world of countries with strong immigration laws and while working to simply enforce the laws that already exist. The double standard is excruciating, and it has Americans taking the other side..the side of those who are already doing all the very things they attack Trump for.

I am sick and tired of hearing about how we have to heal, stop hatred, and come together right before hearing the same mouth hate on Trump and anyone that bothers to notice some good things are happening.

And let's pretend everyone that doesn't hate Trump is blind. Let's say anyone who recognizes Trump has done some good things is just a hater who is too ignorant to be reasoned with. I too see denial, blindness - but it isn't on the side of the aisle CNN is working so hard to make you believe.

Don't think your tax breaks are big enough? I guess we could reset unemployment to it's previous level so you can get your property tax break back. Most workers are enjoying wage increases, seeing their investments grow in value, and their jobs becoming more secure. Property may not offer as favorable a tax position, but your income likely does. Your check is bigger now than it was a year ago even if your pay stayed the same. And that delta is likely more than the tax offset for property. Not true for ALL..but certainly for most, and the trade off is we are finally putting a spotlight on the disfunction and double standards that pervaded politics and policy.

I supported Obama. I support Trump..because I am American. I'm not blind....but I hope for the best for me, my family, and my nation. The blindness I see are those ignoring the good that has been happening in our nation because they are too busy complaining.

He says he has made deals with people he didn't trust and it turned out that agreement was trustworthy. He adds (paraphrasing) that he has made deals with people he trusted that were not honored. Press scrambles to say he called Kim Jung Un 'unhonorable' or 'not trustworthy'. What a load of crap...but hey, lets not hate. Except , Trump; it's good to hate him. Screw that guy. People have what? Trump hates those people even if he is pressing to create and protect their jobs. Let's fire Rosanne, but not bother someone that calls the first lady the C word. Let's pretend Trump is a hater, and anyone saying otherwise is just attacking the other side. Then we can all laugh at Colbert every night when he trashes and insults Trump relentlessly.

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